Crannoch's vision is that we will keep The Promise by ensuring that Children's Rights are upheld at all times.

Children and Young People will be listened to and they will be provided with a homely, nurturing, safe environment and have positive experiences.

We will provide them with the opportunities to develop skills to enable them to achieve and improve their lives, both physically and emotionally.

Through these actions, they will have hope and be enabled to reach their full potential in an atmosphere of love and respect.

Our logo was produced by staff during a team development day.

They wanted to have a logo that visually represented the team and the methods used to support and work with the Young People to help them gain the skills and knowledge to enable them to attain their full potential.

The tree trunk and branches represent the team who provide support and care for the young people, most of whom arrive in a traumatised state with extreme feelings of loss.

The team then implement the principles of GIRFEC, in particular the eight indicators of wellbeing which are Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and included (SHANARRI) and the eight different coloured leaves represent these indicators.

The butterfly represents the Young Person leaving Crannoch with the knowledge and skills they need to live and reach their potential in the big wide world.

They did not want to ignore our original logo and therefore included the shape of the hills from this, added as part of the butterfly trail.

Meet The Management Team

Team Crannoch is made up of a number of individuals with a variety of skills and knowledge and all of whom are committed to providing an environment that allows young people "Room to Flourish" and "Space to Grow".
Maggie Durning
Owner/Managing Director 

Maurice Durning
Owner/Managing Director
Responsible for Maintenance and H&S
Ashley Johnstone

Mikyla Noble 
Child Protection Officer & SRRCW

Maggie Durning 

External Manager

Lauren Girdwood
Business Support Manager